In a recent comment on this blog, my partner Ashley inquired whether she had been given the trail name "Gimpy" as a result of our first hike. For those of you who may not be familiar with the term "trail name", it is a term used frequently among hikers of the Appalachian Trail. They are typically names that sum up your personality on the trail and are given by others. The idea is that the correct name will find you when the time is right. If I were a complete purist when it cam to hiking, I would tell Ashley that her trail name would have to wait until we are hiking on the 70 miles of the AT that runs through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Not being a person who has ever felt the need to follow the absolute letter of the law, however, makes me think her trail name could come about at any point during the Humdinger Project. So to answer the question, "Is Gimpy my trail name?" we will have to hike a bit further to see. If sprained joints become a regular part of hiking with Ashley, then Gimpy might be the name that has chosen her, but my hunch is that her trail name is still out there looking for her.
It took several hundred miles on the AT for the name "Worst Case Scenario" to be given to me, but I must say as fitting as that trail name is for me, I prefer the name given to my other hiking partner Fr. David and I when we hike together. It was while hiking on the AT in the Smokies toward Fontana Dam that three ladies dubbed us "The Karma Police". My favorite quickly acquired trail names are "Lost and Found" and "Longshot". Fr. David and I met both hikers on our first section hike down in North Georgia. "Lost and Found" got his name after having discovered that he had left his jacket on the trail seven miles back. He walked all the way back to retrieve it. "Longshot" was an older man from Florida who had decided to take on the challenge of the 2,000 mile thruhike. When his friends dropped him off they simply looked at him and said, "You're definitely a longshot." Some trail names come as easily as that. We will have to wait for Ashley's to make its appearance.
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